Important Facts About Homework You Should Know

Homework has been a part of education for years, and its benefits cannot be overlooked. Home assignments help students master what they were taught in school, and they create an avenue for them to study. However, many of us have wondered who came up with the concept of homework. Who invented it? When did they invent it? What was the reason being the invention? The answers to these questions are discussed in this post. Keep reading to learn about them.


The term “Homework” dates as far back as the ancient Rome era. A teacher on the oratory, Pliny the Younger, invented homework in the I century AD. Homework became a thing when Pliny the Younger asked his followers to engage in some activities at home to help develop their skills in informal situations. The results from this practice were impressive, and in 1905, Roberto Nevilis gave his students homework as punishment, and then it became a popular thing around the world. He has since then been credited as the inventor of homework.

Teachers around the world adopted the homework method, and they made it an integral part of education. Homework proved to be an essential type of training, and many learning processes could not be executed without home lessons and tasks. Homework became one of the earliest forms of independent learning and the criteria for a task to be considered for homework include;

  • Feasibility
  • Ease-of-execution
  • Should reflect what the students have been taught.

Why is homework necessary and widely adopted?

  1. Homework is necessary to ensure that the things learned in the classroom are not forgotten.
  2. Homework is a way of repeated learning to ensure assimilation and comprehension.
  3. Homework helps students identify their skills, strengths, and weaknesses.
  4. Homework also helps the students work at their own pace without rush nor haste.
  5. Homework teaches student independence and information-seeking skills.

Types of Homework

Since the invention of homework, it has metamorphosed through different forms and types. Teachers have given students different types of home assignments which include;

  • Mastering and learning the study material
  • Written exercises
  • Oral exercises
  • Creative work, such as essay writing or other forms of creative exercises.
  • Observing and experimenting to record results.
  • Report writing on studied material.

Does Homework Improve the overall quality of education?

Yes, it does. And if applied the right way, case study homework can improve the studying process, quality of knowledge, and retaining the acquired knowledge. Homework gives the student the opportunity to devote their time to what they have gained in class, and somehow find a way to sharpen their skills on that topic. Normally, students will not bother about these things because the mind will not do anything without a push. is that needed push, and it has helped students over the years in their educational pursuits.

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